So for my ITO class I was instructed to research blogging websites to figure out which one I liked the best. The answer came easy to me since I am a Mgmt major....I already have a blog that I use therefore I will just reuse the same website. BLAH-DAH!!! So on with it:
I can't think of much to talk about at the current time so imma go ahead and speak my mind. I have 103 days left of school and being in the 17.5th grade I'm happy to say finally I'll be done with it soon. I just gotta stick to my friends and mind my far as Im concerned haters gonna hate and lovers gonna love so as I always say GET IN WHERE YOU FIT IN! This is important because I have PECS (formerly known as ICE <ghey class>), Maritime Law Enforcement (yawn), Atmospheric Science (double yawn), Personal Finance, and ITO. I'm a lil nervous but I figure that's good cause if not I'd probs be goofing off too much. Also I feel ITO and PECS can help me fight my frustration with computers. Aight den no more talk gotta blog on another site....until next time PEACE!!!!!