Monday, November 14, 2011

Recommendations for Chevrolet 2.0

      In terms of application of the internet and how General Motors and Chevrolet is utilizing the web 2.0 tools for advertising, they have the idea down. With the multiple blogs, youtube videos, twitter accounts, facebook pages and website Chevrolet and the other General Motors brands have a substantial web2.0 footprint. When compared to other brands such as Mercedes Benz or Dodge or pretty much any brand out there for competition, in all honesty they are on par. Every competitor of Chevrolet has the same web 2.0 tools in use. The one thing that Chevrolet has over the competition is the advertisement endorsement from celebrities and public figures. They do have Youtube channels for multiple European, Asian and American  subscribers, which some competitors do not, which I found a key advantage. The backbone of the web 2.0 strategy for Chevrolet is their website, I think they have enough consumer support and application of web 2.0 accessible multimedia and resources linked to thier main page. Overall as I stated, due to the utilization of external Web2.0, in the sense of external usage, GM has a solid strategy.

   Internally, I noted that they regulate the terms of employee participation with the policy document I found. As far as other internal usages of web 2.0 I found GM to not really be using much of them. I believe they use wikis for corporate purposes. Also they are developing that real time supply chain model for future use but other than that there is not much internal web2.0 usage, most of the web2.0 usage by GM is external.
Note the European slogan "Make it Happen"
    My recommendations for utilizing the external web2.0 tools are simply to continue on path with what they are doing and to capitalize on the advertising resources of public figures. The blog that they provide on their website is also available only in English, for Europeans, this may cause problems for fans to read the GM FastLane Blog. I do believe they should get their twitter accounts multilingual as well. Related to twitter, more hastag usage could be implemented with tweeting, they do not always utilize the hashtags. In addition to that, they could make their mobile applications more available to other smartphones users, such as android. MyChevy is only an iPhone application.

Sources not used before:

iPhone 4S Sold Out?! China

   Last Friday, November 11th, the iPhone 4S hit stores in Hong Kong. Within the first 10 minutes of being sold, Apple reported that they were out of stock. This was caused by pre-orders and consumers walking in to purchase the phones. The phone has yet to hit the shores of China, however it is predicted that the same situation will occur. The iPhone 4S will be released in China in December. Also the iPhone 4S is to be released in Korea soon, and the Korean Daily News reported that the country's 2 largest telecommunication firms had already began pre-selling the phone with numbers as high as 200,000 and 130,000 for both.
Apple's Hong Kong Store
   This is good news for Apple and the shareholders. This furthers the proof that the company will survive in the wake of Steve Job's passing. Although it may be soon to say so, the company will in my opinion maintain status quo and its foot hold within the technology industry, if not continue to exceed expectations. As far as the iPhone is concerned, it may have been the most anticipated phone for the Asian countries.


Sunday, November 6, 2011

BF3 outsells Steve Jobs

   Steve Jobs was the man who help found a company many recognize today as one of America'd greatest computer manufacturers. I am of course speaking about Apple Inc. 19 Days after his death, his biography hit the bookshelves both electronically and in paper form. The biography sold 379,000 copies, earning a whopping $13.2 million in one week alone. Jobs's biography jumped to the number 1 position on the New York Times bestseller list, positioning it to be 2011's bestseller. What is an interesting comparison that humbles this accomplishment came two Tuesdays ago: Electronic Arts released the videogame Battlefield 3.

   Battlefield 3 sold 5,000,000+ copies in the first week and generated $300 million in sales alone. Battlefield 3 places the gamer in a first person shooter perspective of a fiction journey. The campaign mode pits the player against a terrorist organization set on bombing NYC. The gamer is a US Marine and a special operative of Russian special ops. This achievement is miniscule compared to what analysts are projecting compared tho the sales gap that Jobs's biography will have against next Tuesday's release of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3. COD Modern Warfare 3 is expected to outsell Battlefield 3 with a ratio of 2:1. What make this interesting is the analysis of how books are being neglected for videogames now a days. Although books are still a $40 billion business in the US, its interesting how a videogame can outsell someones biography like Steve Jobs.
